-吊咀可開合, 把精油滴到棉片/擴香石上再放進去。 -The pendant is a small locket. Put essential oil onto the cotton and put inside the pendant for oil diffusing.
-水晶香薰互補能量: 水晶=慢慢吸收正能 / 香薰=直接吸進體內,提高能量頻率 -Natural Crystal reacts with Essential Oils: Natural Crystal absorbs positive energy & essential oils increase the frequency of the energy.
-水晶相傳功效: 「集合不同水晶的功效」-招財、健康、吸引姻緣和愛情運、帶來好人緣、療癒心情、招貴人、防小人、消除負能量、提升工作和學習能力等的多種功效 -Crystals consolidate many kind of natural crystals which may benefit on: fortune, health, relationship, networking, decrease negativity etc.
-可選擇(i)吊咀款式: 招財貓、生命樹或玫瑰佈夢網 / (ii)吊咀顏色: 銀色或玫瑰金色 -Pendant Selection: Lucky Cat/Tree of Life/Dream Catcher(Silver or Rose gold in color)
-長度: 約16cm(使用橡筋, 有彈性) -Length: ~16cm(Elastic using rubber band).
-附送16粒棉球 -Provided 16pcs cotton balls for diffusing purpose.
-吊咀材質: 純銅上電鍍銠或18K金. -Pendant: Pure Copper with electroplating of Rhodium or 18K gold.